Manage your materials
Easily and efficiently

Use MIRA Software to gain insight into the use and consumption of large and small materials in your organisation.

Link MIRA to your ERP system, billing, staff, etc.

Link MIRA to your existing systems

Obviously, you will manage everything on one place. Because MIRA is developed by our own developers and not purchased, we have everything into our hands and we can link our application to your other, already existing systems. Due to our link you only have to enter everything once. Whether it's material, people, projects, customers, or more accounting matters, we can provide a full or partial link for (semi-)automatic import and export in all modules.


Everything in-house

MIRA Software is not purchased, but developed by ourselves, IZIT bv. This allows us to provide any integration and/or coupling ourselves.


You decide what is useful. Custom-made features only where it's needed.


Data in MIRA is available to other systems.


Clear agreements on size and price. No surprises afterwards.


Guaranteed support and service after delivery of the tailor-made service.